The brand grad. brings out the distinctive gradation of Satsuma Kiriko cut glass using simple shapes. Artisans overlay lightly-tinted colored glass in thick layers, and then cut the glass at a depth and width that naturally creates a rich gradation of hues. The contrasting shades of color in the cut sections are accentuated as light filters through the glass; and when filled with water, the elegantly shimmering glass draws you deep into a mystical world.

Each piece has been carefully crafted by artisans using the shaping technique of glass blowing. This technique of layering glass involves placing many sheets of colored glass on top of each other. Even among the cut glass items produced worldwide, it is apparently quite rare for a single studio to complete all the processes in crafting one item – from the layering of hand-blown glass to inserting cuts into it.
Deep cuts are meticulously made into each layer of glass, so as to bring out the brilliance of the color gradation in the cut sections and accentuate the overall shape. The appeal of grad. is its simple designs with detailed attention to the subtle angles of each object. It is such fastidiousness for fine design that requires these refined skills in glass blowing and layering.

Each carefully crafted grad. item is imbued with the artisan’s spirit. Use these versatile glasses on a special day or even just every day – it’s up to you!
Shizuka Tatsuno
クリエイティブディレクター / プロダクトデザイナー
Creative Director & Product Designer, Shizuka Tatsuno Studio Inc.

Designer’s sentiment
When I encountered Satsuma Kiriko cut glass, I was fascinated by the depth of gradation reflected in and through the glass. The contrasting shades of colour in the cut sections are accentuated as light filters through the glass, and it shimmers elegantly when filled with water. These effects are produced by overlaying lightly-tinted colour glass in thick layers, and cutting the glass at a depth and width that naturally creates a rich gradation of hues. Combining two or three layers of colored glass with transparent glass creates an even more magical world of gradation. I used simple shapes to highlight the allure of Satsuma Kiriko’s distinctive changes in color. I was also truly impressed to see for myself the dedicated and genuine artisans earnestly crafting these items in a studio surrounded by lush green nature. I really encourage everyone to pick up a Satsuma Kiriko glass item and experience its beauty for yourself.
このブランドはLEXUS NEW TAKUMI PROJECTの匠とクリエイターとのコラボレーション企画から生まれました。関係者の皆様には心から感謝いたします。
The grad. brand was borne from a collaboration project between the creator and the artisans of the LEXUS NEW TAKUMI PROJECT. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to everyone involved in this project.
1983年生まれ。英国のキングストン大学プロダクト&家具科を卒業。デザイン事務所を経て、2011年に独立。2017年より株式会社 Shizuka Tatsuno Studioを設立。家具、生活用品、ファッション小物のプロダクトデザインを中心に、企画からディレクション、付随するグラフィックデザインなど様々な業務を手掛ける。
A Japanese native, born in 1983. After receiving Bachelor’s degree in Product and Furniture from Kingston University London, Shizuka gained experience in the field and established her design office “Shizuka Tatsuno Studio Inc.”. With a focus on designing furniture, interior and fashion accessories, she provides various services in planning, direction and graphic designs among other areas.
This project, which is sponsored by the Toyota Lexus brand, launched in 2016 with the aim of “Supporting monozukuri (the making of things) in Japan, including traditional techniques, and assisting creators to cultivate their talents and skills.”